3. Course Calendar

The six weeks of the course are divided into four parts. Each part involves completing to the best of your ability a series of exercises; you will document your progress in a log that you will keep online. Log entries are required to be completed by midnight at the end of the relevant part. Late work can be accepted only in consultation with Dr. Graham. Otherwise, late work will not be graded nor accepted. (A few minutes/hours after midnight is not late.)

  • Part 1, Contextualizing Digital History; work is due by the end of day, May 13
  • Part 2, Wrangling Digital Data; work is due by the end of day, May 24
  • Part 3, Arguing/Exploring/Visualizing Data; work is due by the end of day, June 6
  • Part 4, Communicating Digital History; work is due by the end of day, June 17
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